Thursday, July 8, 2010

Will putting a wet cloth on a fan create a air cooling effect?

i heard that if you put a wet cloth on a fan it makes it sort of like an air conditioner
Yes, but for a very short time if I take your description literally.

What you describe is called here in the American South as a swamp cooler - not because it will work in a swamp but because it can make the house feel like one.

In an evaporative cooler, a woven fiber filter surrounds the intake of a blower and water is pumped to the top of the filter and drains down over the fiber. The air pulled through the filter and the large wet surface causes as much evaporation as possible, cooling the air, which is blown into the house.

This kind of cooler works best in a very dry atmosphere - like Phoenix Arizona. The higher the air humidity, the worse it works - less cooling and more humid output air. Very humid muggy air is what you find in a swamp.

A swamp cooler is typically a box 2-3 feet in each dimension with louvers on the outside and a wood fiber filter held against each of the three or four exposed sides The blower is mounted on the fourth side for units that hang in a window or in the bottom of roof mounted units. A small water line supplies water from mains which is controlled by a float valve in a small tank and a recirculating pump pushes the water from the tank to the top of the filters where it flows down over the filter and any excess flows back into the tank.

A cloth placed on or hooding a fan won

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