Friday, March 13, 2009

What are some features that all cats(cheetahs, lions, tigers, etc.) have?

1. Fur

2. Tongue is covered with horny papillae.

3. All have retractable claws except for cheetahs.

4. Have five toes on their forefeet and four on their hindfeet.

5. Large eyes for binocular vision

6. Presence of a tapetum lucidum which allows for excellent night vision.

7. Have vomeronasal organ on roof of mouth which allows for "tasting the air".

8. Possess highly sensitive vibrissa (whiskers).

9. Possess dental formula (except for Lynx): Top -, Bottom -

- Excellent hearing, eyesight, taste, and touch receptors

- Jacobson's organ in their mouths to enhance sense of smell

- Excellent balance

- Their whiskers help them "feel" their way around especially in the dark

- Big cats as well as domestic cats can purr

- Most cats sleep more than other mammals

- Territorial

- Carnivorous

- *Most* cats have tails, but some are tailless (such as the Manx)

All felines have a predatorial instinct.. i.e. they will give chase if one attempts to flee. This is true, but on certain levels,. I mean, if you run away from your pet cat it may not chase you! however, if a rodent tries to escape from your pet cat, well that could prove my point.

I love the cat family. They are all soooo gorgeous.

They all have whiskers, good hunting abilities, fur,

pricked up ears and beautiful eyes.

All mammal carnivores have carnassial teeth (slicing molars) and those of felines are the most advanced with scissor-like action. Check your cat's teeth--but VERY carefully.

Tails: different lengths

Claws: but not all can retract

Fur: different lengths, textures and colors

Carnivore: eat meat

Vision: can see great in the dark

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